Who can I add to my auto policy

In the state of Missouri, you are required to have basic auto insurance. This means basic liability coverage of 25/50/25 and uninsured motorist coverage of 25/50. Your auto insurance will cover all the vehicles you own. Most people have one insurance policy for all of their vehicle and all their immediate family members. When you are in the market for auto insurance Focus Insurance in Eureka MO we have been in business for more than 20 years and offer our customers insurance products from 15 national carriers. 

Auto insurance can be considered a family affair. All of the family members who live in your home can and should be added to your policy. You and your spouse or partner will be the primary insured members and then any other licensed drivers who may drive your car. This includes your children but it can also include grandchildren, nieces and nephews, in-laws, and any family members who actually live in your home and will be driving your vehicles. 

If you have children who have moved out of the house but who you still support, they can also be listed on your auto policy. This means college students get to stay on their parent’s policy. Once a child owns a home or apartment they are considered financially independent and need to get their own policy. If your child marries they need their own policy unless they live with you. 

If you have a caregiver who will be using your vehicle regularly, you should talk to your insurance carrier to see if they need to be listed on your policy as well. But since the insurance is on your vehicle, they may not need to be listed. 

At Focus Insurance in Eureka, MO, we are locally owned and operated and we are here to help you chose the best auto policy for your needs.