Are Home Insurance Claims Public Record?

If you’re looking for home insurance, selling your house, shopping for a home, or thinking about making an insurance claim, it’s important to know how the details of claims are reported. This information isn’t only available to your current insurer. Other individuals and businesses in Eureka, MO may have access to it, and you might be able to learn about claims made by home sellers.

Is It Public Record?

Your record of home insurance claims is similar to your credit report. When you apply for a new policy, an insurer can check for information about prior claims. They do so by obtaining your Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange report. Real estate agents can request this data from home sellers and share it with potential buyers.

Home and auto claims appear on a CLUE report regardless of whether the insurer approves or denies them. The information includes dates, loss types, claim amounts, and other facts. You can review your report once each year for free. This allows you to look for mistakes and request any needed corrections.

Buying a House

Claim data isn’t only useful to insurance carriers. This information could benefit you when you’re looking for a home to purchase. Ask a real estate agent to request claim data on a house you’d like to buy. This may help you learn about risk levels and prior damage and repairs. However, you’ll need the seller’s permission.

If you own or plan to buy a home in Eureka, MO, the experienced professionals at Focus Insurance can help you obtain the proper coverage. Our independent agency has served the area for over two decades, and we offer policies from more than fifteen trusted insurers. Please call 866-241-7015 or 636-391-3900 to request a quote from Focus Insurance today.

How the Age of Your Home Affects Home Insurance

So you inherited an old house. Or maybe you got a fixer-upper cheap, and you’re thinking of flipping it. Or it was the childhood home of someone famous, and you got it recognized as a historical landmark. It’s insurance time! How old your house is can affect how much you pay for home insurance. The fact is that after fifty years, problems start popping up. That means more money to fix them and, thus, a higher insurance premium. If there are too many issues, a company may deny your insurance. 

Things That Can Affect Your Insurance Rates

Ask yourself how much it would cost to rebuild. This will help you estimate the replacement cost value of your home. If the house is made of brick or masonry, it will have a lower premium than a wooden house. Distance from the fire department will also affect the premiums. Check out your plumbing, heating, and electrical systems, as poor conditions here can result in higher rates. Learn about the history of insurance claims on the house, as this can impact the premiums. The house’s condition overall affects how much you can expect to pay for home insurance. If you get a professional to inspect your home, you can learn what problems your home may have and how to fix them. 

Focus Insurance Serving Eureka, MO

If you need home insurance in Eureka, MO, please get in touch with Focus Insurance. We value your trust and are dedicated to giving you all the help you need. 

Why do people in Missouri need to have home insurance?

Being a property owner in Eureka, MO is a dream for many people. When you own real estate, there are a lot of advantages that come with it. However, there are risks as well. You can offset some of these risks by getting the right home insurance plan. You should have this form of coverage for various reasons. 

Protect Important Assets

You will want this coverage to ensure you can protect your most important assets. When you are a property owner, your dwelling will likely be a vital and valuable asset. Further, you may own many personal assets. If you have a home insurance plan, you will have the support necessary to cover these items. 

Obtain Liability Support

It is also a good idea to have home insurance to obtain liability support. Anyone who owns a home will take on liability risks. If you are insured with a home insurance plan, you can mitigate these risks as you will receive specific liability coverage. This can offer you personal support in many situations, which can prove to be helpful. 

Having a full home insurance plan in the Eureka, MO area is always a good idea. When you want this type of coverage, calling our team with Focus Insurance can be a great idea. Those in this part of Missouri will know that our team at Focus Insurance will provide any help needed to ensure you select an ideal plan that protects your home and meets any requirements. 

Tips to make your house more energy efficient

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your energy usage and make your home more energy efficient here in the Eureka, MO area, there are plenty of options to get you started. Here are some helpful tips from us at Focus Insurance:

1. Upgrade Your Appliances – Invest in energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, lighting fixtures, and other household items that can use less electricity and help lower your monthly utility bills.

2. Weatherproof Your Home – Check for any drafts or openings in windows, doors, or other areas where outside air can enter your home and increase the amount of energy needed to heat or cool it. Seal drafty windows with caulk or weather stripping and install insulation in attics, basements, and crawlspaces to maintain a comfortable temperature inside all year round. 

3. Install Solar Panels – A great way to save on energy costs is by installing solar panels on the roof of your house, which will generate free electricity from the sun and can help power your entire home. 

4. Change Your Lightbulbs – Swap out traditional lightbulbs for LED bulbs, as they use up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, last longer, and come in various shapes and sizes, depending on where you need them in the house. 

5. Use Natural Resources – Get creative with natural resources around your home, such as trees that provide shade or wind turbines that capture wind power to help cut down on electricity costs. 

By making these small changes around your home, you can reduce your energy usage significantly and potentially save a lot of money each month! For more tips, give us at Focus Insurance a call today. We are proud to serve the Eureka, MO area.

When does a Eureka homeowner need to have home insurance?

Being a property owner can be a great housing option if you are in the Eureka, MO area. As you are looking for a property in the region, it is essential that you also assess your insurance needs. There are multiple situations when someone in this region should obtain a home insurance plan, especially when they are looking to purchase a property. 

When Taking Out a Mortgage

A situation when a property owner will need to have home insurance is when they finance their home with a mortgage lender. If you have taken out a loan that is secured by your property, the lender undoubtedly will want to know that your asset is covered. This will include ensuring that you have the right insurance for it. In most cases, you will also have to escrow payments for coverage each month.

When Trying to Protect Themselves

Property owners will also need and want this coverage to protect themselves. If you choose to buy a home, you will want to know that this significant investment is protected and covered by insurance. Further, you will want to know that your personal liability risks are mitigated. A home insurance plan can help with both of these issues. 

Owning real estate can be an excellent idea for those in the Eureka, MO area. If you are going to purchase a property here, it is helpful to call someone that you can trust. The team with Focus Insurance continues to be a great group to call. Focus Insurance will help you identify your various insurance needs and options. This assessment is an excellent step in helping you build a great insurance policy for your home. 

Three important factors to consider when you purchase home insurance

Getting adequate home insurance coverage is something that you need to do to protect your home’s value.

An accident could result in high costs that significantly reduce your home equity. That’s why you need to protect your home equity and your home’s value with home insurance.

We offer home insurance in Eureka, MO at Focus Insurance. The following are three critical factors to consider when you purchase home insurance. 

The location of your property

Different geographic locations face different levels of damage risk. If you live in a high-crime area or where fire damage is common, your home insurance costs are likely to be higher. 

When gauging the costs of insuring your home, you should consider the risks and research standard home insurance costs in the neighborhood where your home is located. 

The safety and security features installed in your home

You can invest in safety and security features that impact home insurance costs and coverage. 

Features such as a home security system or deadbolt locks can be important for minimizing home insurance costs. Discuss safety and security features with your home insurance provider to improve your home’s condition and reduce security costs. 

The coverage types you need and want

Other available home insurance types include liability, theft or possessions, replacement cost, and actual cash value coverage. It’s important to thoroughly research the available coverage types to know what you need and want. 

If you have questions or concerns about your home insurance coverage in Eureka, MO, feel free to contact us.

We offer numerous home insurance options at Focus Insurance to meet your needs. Call us today!

Things home insurance won’t cover

Home insurance is a very valuable type of coverage. Your home is such a significant investment, and you need to feel secure in the protection you have against a multitude of hazards. At Focus Insurance in Eureka, MO, we make sure that we provide you with the information you need to feel comfortable with the home insurance you are getting. But we also encourage you to read your policy to be aware of any exclusions. 

Earth movement

It isn’t a good thing if you feel the earth move under your feet. Earth movement is excluded from your home policy, whether a sinkhole, a landslide, or an earthquake. If it damages your home, your home insurance won’t pay to repair the damage. 


Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters, and they are becoming more common every year. They are not covered by traditional home insurance, and you need to purchase a separate policy from the NFIP if you have even the slightest worry that your home could be damaged. 

Owner neglect

Owner neglect may be something you have never thought much about when it relates to your home. But, if you haven’t been treating your home for termites and get termites, the damage is your fault, and your home insurance won’t pay for the repairs. You need to keep your home in good repair at all times. It’s your responsibility. 

Damage due to war or nuclear hazard

These are the extremes and something that most people never even think about, but in the world we live in today, it is good to know at least what is covered and what is not. 

Contact Focus Insurance in Eureka, MO to talk to a member of our experienced team about home insurance coverage and exclusions. 

3 Home Insurance Tips for First Time Homebuyers

Buying a home can be exciting and tiring as well. There are several processes you ought to complete, one of them being getting home insurance.

Buying home insurance should be considered a necessity rather than a luxury. You don’t know about tomorrow, and as much as we hope that nothing goes wrong, sometimes things act against our hope. The best thing is to gear up and have a plan of what to do in case something unpleasant happens. Focus Insurance offers insurance plans to homeowners. If you reside in Eureka, MO, you can check out the various plans we have and protect your home against unforeseen happenings.

Below are some insurance tips for first-time homeowners.

Do Your Research

Do some research on various insurance companies and choose the best. Research more on how they handle claims, and you can also look for some information regarding their financial strength. This gives you confidence that in case of damages, they’ll compensate you without problems.

Understand Coverage Levels      

Always read the policy before committing to ensure you understand the coverage levels. This helps you decide whether you’ll be fine with a particular plan or whether you need to make additions to the premiums. Understanding coverage levels keeps you safe from getting bad surprises in the future.

Always Review the Policy

It’s important to keep on reviewing the insurance policy from time to time. For example, if you make any addition to your home, you may be required to increase your premiums to avoid being underinsured. Some additions can also lower your premiums. Reviewing the policy ensures that you don’t pay an excess.

Buying a home is one of the most costly investments you’ll ever make. You want to make sure your investment will never go to the drain by insuring it against various risks. If you are a resident of Eureka, MO, Focus Insurance offers insurance plans for homeowners, tailor-made to suit your needs. Call us to discuss more about your home insurance needs.

When should you review your home insurance policy?

There is no place like home, home is where the heart is, and home sweet home are all ways to express just how important your home is to you and your family. Protecting the investment you have made is vital to your financial security. Home insurance is not the same for everyone. Making sure that the coverage you have fits your home and your situation. At Focus Insurance in Eureka, MO, we have more than 20 years of experience providing our clients with personal service and more choices.

When you get your renewal notice for your home insurance, you will have a declaration page with it. On the declaration page is all the information about your policy. The amount of property coverage you have, the amount of liability coverage, your deductible, and any endorsement that you have. It also shows any discounts that you get. You should review this page very carefully every year and think about what you need to change or keep the same. 

If you have made any major repairs to your home, you should review your home insurance to make sure that the amount of coverage you have reflects the current value of your home. If you have replaced your roof, you should let your insurance agent know so that they can see about finding a better rate for you. 

Have you added a dog to your family? A swimming pool or a trampoline? You should consider if your liability coverage is adequate for the increased risk. 

Have you added any safety equipment? A home security system or smoke detectors connected to the fire department? Make sure your agent is aware of these additions. Is your deductible right for you? These are all things that you should consider as part of your renewal. 

Contact Focus Insurance in Eureka, MO for all of your home insurance needs. 

What to Consider When Selecting Home Insurance in Eureka MO

It’s a fact of life that when you purchase a new home, the first accessory you’ll need to go with it is good insurance. For many homebuyers, the process of finding the right policy that fits your need can be frustrating, especially if they don’t know where to turn. 

If you are purchasing home insurance for the first time, here are a few tips from the team at Focus Insurance to keep in mind.

Comparison shop. When you are looking for a policy, don’t simply settle for the first quote you receive. Instead, compare shop by getting a list of three different home insurance quotes. At the same time, make sure you’re not simply looking for the least expensive option. You need to be sure the policy you go with has the best coverage and the best value. 

Make sure the coverage is right. The most important part of the insurance policy you are selecting is that it should be the right level of coverage. There are several options for levels that cover the common perils for homes, cover condos or mobile homes, and that cover older homes. 

Understand what is not covered. There are different perils that your home could be affected by that may not be covered by an insurance policy. It’s just as important that you understand what is not covered by a policy as what is covered. Some typical causes of damage that policies don’t cover include earthquakes, nuclear hazards, and flooding. 

Look at the details. All home insurance policies typically include options for everything from liability coverage to personal property coverage to replacement costs. Educating yourself on what these options include — and don’t include — will help you select the right best insurance option for your home. 

If you are looking for home insurance in Eureka, MO and would like to learn more about the options available to you, contact Focus Insurance to speak with one of our team members.